
To start using the SDK, you need to import and initialize the ParabolServer class:

import { ParabolServer } from "@parabolfi/server";
const parabolServer = new ParabolServer({
  apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",

Configuration Options

The ParabolServer constructor accepts an options object with the following properties:

  • apiKey (required): Your Parabol API key.
  • env (optional): The Parabol environment to use. Defaults to PARABOL_ENV.Production.
  • logger (optional): A custom logger function.

The ParabolServer instance can directly read the PARABOL_API_KEY environment variable to configure itself. If you are using Next.js, make sure NOT to prefix it with NEXT_PUBLIC_.

If you have PARABOL_API_KEY environment variable set, you can omit the apiKey option.

const parabolServer = new ParabolServer();

Parabol Environments

The ParabolServer constructor also accepts an env option that can be used to specify the Parabol environment.

Parabol has two environments:

  • PARABOL_ENV.Production
  • PARABOL_ENV.Testnet

The default environment is PARABOL_ENV.Production.


If you are working on testnet, you should set the env option to PARABOL_ENV.Testnet. You can find the supported testnet chains in the smart contracts page Smart Contracts.


You have to use the ParabolServer instance in the server-side code. You can wrap your own logic with server-actions for Next.js, API route handlers, or other server-side environments.