
The lend method allows you to lend paraUSD tokens to the Parabol protocol. This operation creates a note position representing your lending position.


import { ParabolAccount, SupportedChainIds } from "@parabolfi/core";
import { ParabolServer } from "@parabolfi/server";
const parabolServer = new ParabolServer({
async function lendParaUSD() {
  const privateKey = "0x..."; // Your private key
  const chainId = SupportedChainIds.ZKSYNC;
  // Fetch Parabol data
  const parabolData = await parabolServer.fetchLendParameters(chainId);
  // Initialize ParabolAccount with Parabol data
  const account = await ParabolAccount.fromPrivateKey({
  const lendParams = {
    principal: "1000", // Amount to lend (in paraUSD)
    maturity: 30, // Lending duration in days
  try {
    const txHash = await account.lend(lendParams);
    console.log("Lending transaction hash:", txHash);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error lending paraUSD:", error);

Before lending, make sure to check the available maturities from the parabolData.availableMaturities.


The lend method takes an object with the following properties:

  • principal: string - The amount of paraUSD to lend (in ether units).
  • maturity: number - The lending duration in days.


  • Hex - A promise that resolves to the transaction hash of the lending transaction.

Important Notes

  • The ParabolAccount must be initialized with valid Parabol data before calling the lend method.
  • The account must have sufficient paraUSD balance and allowance for the lending operation.
  • If the allowance is insufficient, the method will automatically approve the required amount before lending.


This method may throw a ParabolSDKError in the following cases:

  • If the Parabol data is not initialized or invalid.
  • If the provided maturity is not available in the current Parabol data.
  • If the principal amount is below the minimum lending limit.
  • If the transaction fails for any reason (e.g., insufficient balance, network issues).

Always wrap the call in a try-catch block to handle potential errors.