Parabol Partnership Program (createPartnership)

The createPartnership method allows you to create a partnership within the Parabol protocol. This operation sets up a partner account with a specified vault address and fee structure.


import { ParabolAccount, SupportedChainIds } from "@parabolfi/core";
async function createParabolPartnership() {
  const privateKey = "0x..."; // Your private key
  const chainId = SupportedChainIds.ZKSYNC;
  const account = await ParabolAccount.fromPrivateKey({
  const partnerVault = "0x..."; // Partner vault address
  const partnerFeeBPS = 100n; // Partner fee in basis points (1% = 100)
  try {
    const partnerId = await account.createPartnership(
    console.log("Partnership created with partnerId:", partnerId);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error creating partnership:", error);


  • partnerVault: Address - The address of the partner vault where fees will be collected.
  • partnerFeeBPS: bigint - The partner fee in basis points (BPS). 100 BPS = 1%.


  • bytes32 - A promise that resolves to the partnerId.

Important Notes

  • The partner vault address must be a valid Ethereum address.
  • The partner fee BPS must be a non-negative integer, typically not exceeding 10000 (100%).
  • You can then use your partnerId in the configuration of your partnerConfig to collect fees.

The usage of partnerId and partnerFeeBPS parameters will vary depending on how you interact with Parabol. If you’re interacting with ParabolAccount, simply defining the partnerConfig information in the instance will suffice. If you’re enabling your users to perform lend operations via Calldata, please visit Calldata Utilities. If you’re interacting through a web-based app, you can directly define them within the LendParams of the lend or permitLend functions. Note: Our React-supported SDK will be launched soon!

struct LendParams {
    address beneficiary;
    bytes32 partnerId;
    uint256 partnerFeeBPS;
    uint256 principal;


This method may throw a ParabolSDKError in the following cases:

  • If the partner vault address is invalid.
  • If the partner fee BPS is out of the acceptable range.
  • If the transaction fails for any reason (e.g., network issues, insufficient gas).

Always wrap the call in a try-catch block to handle potential errors.

  • getPartnerConfigById: Retrieve partnership information by partner ID.
  • getPartnerConfigByOwner: Retrieve partnership information by owner address.