Get Note Position Allowance

The ParabolAccount class provides two methods to check the approval status of note positions:

  • getApprovedNotePosition: Checks if a specific address is approved for a particular note position.
  • getOperatorApprovedNotePosition: Checks if an operator is approved to manage all note positions of the account.



import { ParabolAccount, SupportedChainIds } from "@parabolfi/core";
async function checkNotePositionApproval() {
  const privateKey = "0x..."; // Your private key
  const chainId = SupportedChainIds.ZKSYNC;
  const account = await ParabolAccount.fromPrivateKey({
  const to = "0x..."; // Address to check approval for
  const tokenId = "26"; // ID of the note position token
  try {
    const isApproved = await account.getApprovedNotePosition(to, tokenId);
    console.log("Is address approved for note position:", isApproved);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error checking note position approval:", error);


  • to: Address - The address to check approval for.
  • tokenId: string - The ID of the note position token.


  • boolean - A boolean indicating whether the address is approved for the specified note position.

Important Notes

  • This method involves a read operation on the blockchain and does not modify any state.
  • It checks approval for a specific note position token, not for all tokens owned by the account.



import { ParabolAccount, SupportedChainIds } from "@parabolfi/core";
async function checkOperatorApproval() {
  const privateKey = "0x..."; // Your private key
  const chainId = SupportedChainIds.MAINNET;
  const account = await ParabolAccount.fromPrivateKey({
  const operator = "0x..."; // Address of the operator to check
  try {
    const isApproved = await account.getOperatorApprovedNotePosition(operator);
    console.log("Is operator approved for all note positions:", isApproved);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error checking operator approval:", error);


  • operator: Address - The address of the operator to check approval for.


  • boolean - A boolean indicating whether the operator is approved to manage all note positions of the account.

Important Notes

  • This method checks if an operator is approved to manage all note positions, not just a specific one.
  • It’s useful for scenarios where you want to grant or check blanket approval for an address to manage all note positions.

Error Handling

Both methods may throw a ParabolSDKError if the read operation fails. Always wrap the calls in try-catch blocks to handle potential errors.

Use Cases

  • Checking if a specific contract or address has permission to manage a particular note position before performing operations.
  • Verifying if an operator (e.g., a management contract) has blanket approval to handle all note positions of an account.
  • Implementing approval checks in user interfaces to guide users through necessary approval steps.