Lend Calldata (lend and permitLend)

The lendCalldata and permitLendCalldata methods generate the calldata required to lend paraUSD.

Lend (lendCalldata)


import { SupportedChainIds, lendCalldata } from "@parabolfi/core";
import { ParabolServer } from "@parabolfi/server";
async function generateLendCalldata() {
  const parabolServer = new ParabolServer({
  const chainId = SupportedChainIds.ZKSYNC;
  const parabolData = await parabolServer.fetchLendParameters(chainId);
  // Optional
  const partnerConfig = {
    id: "0xf86413094669713f8a2a804d93acd71249ed481ab264a5db88f52eac99dac159",
    partnerFeeBPS: "100", // %1 fee
    partnerOwner: walletAddress,
    partnerVault: walletAddress,
  const calldata = lendCalldata({
    maturity: 6, // 6 days
    principal: "1000", // 1000 paraUSD
  console.log("calldata", calldata);

Before specifying the maturity, make sure to check the available maturities from the parabolData.availableMaturities array. Also, it can be obtained from the ParabolServer’s fetchParabolData method.


  • walletAddress: Address - The wallet address of the lender.
  • maturity: number - The lending duration in days.
  • principal: string - The amount to lend in paraUSD.
  • parabolData: LendParameters - The Parabol data for the lending operation.
  • partnerConfig: PartnerConfig - The partner configuration for the lending operation. (optional)


  • string - The generated calldata for the lending operation.

Important Notes

  • The principal amount must be greater than or equal to the minimum lending limit defined in the Parabol data.
  • The maturity (lending duration) must be one of the available maturities in the Parabol data.
  • The method validates the input parameters and throws a ParabolSDKError if they are invalid.

Permit Lend (permitLendCalldata)

Before using this method, you need to get a permit signature.

⚠️ Important Notes

To use Permit Lend, a signature must be obtained from the user. The required domain, types, and data for this signature can be retrieved using the preparePermitLendSignature helper function in the @parabolfi/core SDK. However, the ParabolUSDName, and ParabolUSDVersion information required for this function must be fetched using the fetchParabolConfig and nonce from the fetchParabolUSDNonce functions in the ParabolServer class. All steps are outlined below.

Fetch server-side information from ParabolServer

import { ParabolServer } from "@parabolfi/server";
import { SupportedChainIds } from "@parabolfi/core";
const parabolServer = new ParabolServer({
const chainId = SupportedChainIds.ZKSYNC;
const parabolData = await parabolServer.fetchLendParameters(chainId);
const response = await parabolServer.fetchParabolConfig([chainId]);
const { ParabolUSDName, ParabolUSDVersion } = response[chainId];
const nonceResponse = await parabolServer.fetchParabolUSDNonce(walletAddress, [
const nonce = BigInt(nonceResponse[chainId]?.nonce) ?? 0n;

The ParabolUSDName and ParabolUSDVersion are used to construct the domain object in the preparePermitLendSignature function. If you want, you can leave this part hardcoded after fetching it once.

Generate the signature

import { preparePermitLendSignature } from "@parabolfi/core";
const { domain, types, data, deadline } = preparePermitLendSignature({
  principal: "1000", // Amount to lend (in paraUSD)
// viem account signTypedData
const permitSignature = await account.signTypedData({
  message: data,
  primaryType: "Permit",

You can use any method to sign the typed data.

Generate the calldata

import { permitLendCalldata } from "@parabolfi/core";
// Optional
const partnerConfig = {
  id: "0xf86413094669713f8a2a804d93acd71249ed481ab264a5db88f52eac99dac159",
  partnerFeeBPS: "100", // %1 fee
  partnerOwner: walletAddress,
  partnerVault: walletAddress,
const calldata = permitLendCalldata({
  maturity: 30, // Lending duration in days
  principal: "1000", // Amount to lend (in paraUSD)
  partnerConfig, // Optional


  • walletAddress: Address - The wallet address of the lender.
  • maturity: number - The lending duration in days.
  • principal: string - The amount to lend in paraUSD.
  • permitSignature: Hex - The permit signature.
  • deadline: bigint - The deadline for the permit.
  • parabolData: LendParameters - The Parabol data for the lending operation.
  • partnerConfig: PartnerConfig - The partner configuration for the lending operation. (optional)


  • string - The generated calldata for the permit lending operation.


  • The principal amount must be greater than or equal to the minimum lending limit defined in the Parabol data.
  • The maturity (lending duration) must be one of the available maturities in the Parabol data.
  • The permit signature must be a valid Ethereum signature.
  • The deadline is the timestamp at which the permit will expire. It is calculated as currentTimestamp + 1 hour.
  • This method is used for gasless transactions where the user signs a permit instead of sending an approval transaction.
  • The method validates the input parameters and throws a ParabolSDKError if they are invalid.

permitLend calldata flow will be simplified in the future.