Approve Position Calldata

The approvePositionCalldata and approvePositionOperatorCalldata methods generate the calldata required to approve the transfer of a specific Position token and to approve an operator to manage all of the caller’s note positions.


Be careful when using the operator approve position method. It can approve or revoke an operator to manage ALL of the caller’s positions.

Approve Position (approvePositionCalldata)

The approvePositionCalldata method generates the calldata required to approve the transfer of a specific Position token.


import { SupportedChainIds, approvePositionCalldata } from "@parabolfi/core";
const chainId = SupportedChainIds.ZKSYNC;
const tokenId = "6";
const approveCalldata = approvePositionCalldata(chainId, tokenId);


  • chainId: SupportedChainIds - The chain ID of the network.
  • tokenId: string - The ID of the Position token to approve.


  • string - The generated calldata for approving the Position token transfer.


  • The generated calldata approves the Reserve Stability Pool contract to manage the specified Position token.
  • This approval is necessary before claiming a Position token.
  • The method will throw a ParabolSDKError if the chain ID is invalid or if there’s an error generating the calldata.

Approve Operator Position (approvePositionOperatorCalldata)

The approvePositionOperatorCalldata method generates the calldata required to approve an operator for managing note positions.


import {
} from "@parabolfi/core";
const chainId = SupportedChainIds.ZKSYNC;
const approveCalldata = approvePositionOperatorCalldata(chainId);
console.log("approveCalldata", approveCalldata);


  • chainId: SupportedChainIds - The chain ID of the network.


  • string - The generated calldata for approving a position operator.


  • The generated calldata can be used in a transaction to approve an operator to manage all note positions for the caller.
  • This approval is typically used for contracts that need to manage multiple note positions on behalf of the user.
  • The method will throw a ParabolSDKError if the chain ID is invalid or if there’s an error generating the calldata.