Parabol API Overview
Parabol provides a single API with three main endpoints: /notes
, /data
, and /rate
. These endpoints allow users to interact with various aspects of the Parabol protocol, from accessing treasury bill information to querying protocol data, cached rates and protocol status.
All API endpoints require authentication using an API key. Include your API
key in the x-api-key
header for all requests.
1. /notes
The /notes
endpoint provides daily access to Parabol’s on-chain treasury bill information.
This includes:
- Coupon, Maturity, and Smart contract signatures for treasury bills
This endpoint is crucial for accessing the most up-to-date treasury bill data provided by Parabol.
Example usage:
curl -X GET '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'
For more information about the /notes
endpoint, see the
2. /data
The /data
endpoint allows users to query various protocol data. This includes information about user positions, earnings, and other relevant protocol metrics.
Example usage:
curl -X POST \
'' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
-d '{
"query": "query FetchAllPositions($walletAddress: Bytes!) { positionInfos(where: {currentOwner: $walletAddress} orderBy: tokenId orderDirection: desc) { tokenId owner: currentOwner initalOwner initiator coupon principal lendTimestamp maturityTimestamp partnerFeeBPS partnerId status lendTransactionHash } }",
"variables": {
"walletAddress": "0x...",
"chains": [324]
At least one chain is required.
For more information about the /data
endpoint, see the
3. /rate
The /rate
endpoint provides current rate information for the Parabol protocol, including fixed rates, floating rates, total marginal market rates (MMR) and protocol status.
Example usage:
For more information about the /rate
endpoint, see the